Your lawn service business & your equipment is ready but you are waiting. You are waiting on some of those bids that you gave out a while back & some of your old customers to contact you about doing some odd jobs around the house. Please don't put your life on hold waiting for others. Your waiting on work & you have been in business a little while. Think about what's going on right now. You need to do more planning to stay busy in the slow times & the only way to do that is quit waiting & go to work. Later when you've made enough money, you will be taking a break & you won't be waiting on work. Think of services that you can provide besides cutting, mowing, hedging, trimming & blowing off surfaces. Did you know that cutting grass with a mower is the most costly & least profitable work performed in the lawn service business. Yes it's very true! Lets wait a minute first before we go any further what all services do you provide. I hope you do more than cutting, mowing, hedging, trimming & blowing off surfaces. That's what most of the other guys are doing & someone comes along providing more or almost all services that can be done to the lawn. Guess who is going to wind up with the account? That's right it's the company that can provide the most or all the lawn services. It's easier on the customer. Get in on this total service package & let your customers know about it. Put it in all of your advertising. You say you don't know how to do it all. This is OK nobody does. Just work on it a little at the time. Lets think of things that you can slowly get into & after doing it a few times you will be good at it. There is plenty more I'm just going to name a few. Clean Ups:
This is something that a lot of
companies stay away from but very profitable. Think about it this way, average lawn is you know how much. On a regular cut you use all of your equipment except the hedge clippers. The average cleanup is at least 5 times as much & up. Yes I'm figuring the regular cut at $30 & the average clean up at $150. These are very modest figures. Yes I've cut a home owner lawn on a regular basis for $450 a cut & I've did cleanups for over $2000 but these are very rare but I will take every one I can get. I'm just giving you averages. How many times can you sit in one place & make the equivalent of 5 or more lawn cuttings. Not to many unless you are doing cleanups or landscaping. Some people are lucky & have 5 lawns in a row & is only one stop. Think like this look at the travel time & moving place to place. Lots of times you will have other people stop & ask you for work. Make sure you take before & after pictures. Have business cards & fliers to hand out. Good luck you are now working smarter. Fertilizing: Why
do a lot of companies do this & nothing else? You can do the same putting out other lawn applications & make more money. Lime, ant poison, pesticides & herbicides. There is plenty of money in this & it just takes a little know how. You can also work up a lawn treatment program for all of you regular customers. Always try to provide as many services to your established customers & it will be harder for them to let you go. Because you have spoiled them with all the services that you can provide. When you get it down to a science you can run a Zero Turn Rider with a fertilizer spreader on the front. If you could ever get to this point you could be making some serious money. Other people do it & you can to. Aeration &
Dethatching: This is another
great service in high demand. Dethatching would run a little more be careful because depending on the amount of thatch will determine how long it will take you. This can be a time consuming job be careful on these until you get a few under your belt & you feel confident about it. Landscaping: Another
add on service for your customers. Firewood: This
is some good extra winter money. You don't have that much time you can load the logs on your trailer & cut up when you have more time. Still looking for wood talk to your customers & others trying to find lots they have & need cleaned up. Talk to development companies about letting you come in & haul off the wood most of them would be glad for you to haul it off. Some of your different utility companies have to do something with this wood. You might get it for free or pay a small fee for it. Think hard you can find some wood easy & its something that when it is needed you are at your slow time of the year. Pressure Washing: Very
profitable & you already have customers! Light Hauling: Everybody at one time or another needs
something hauled. Real Estate Companies: They need the services you have to offer. If you can cut grass & perform some of the services above you can get plenty of work from them. Go around to the different offices, leave them some cards & fliers. You will be surprised at the work you can get from them. They might even pay you to haul off some firewood. I have been paid to haul off firewood then I resold it with out even having to reload. Plenty more services you can
offer: Just think about it & be creative! Still waiting on work: You can do some of the above & no work. Well, there is only one thing left that I can think of & that's you are not advertising your services. You should have business cards & fliers. Are you handing out cards & distributing fliers. You need to target your areas that you want to work in & saturate the area with fliers. Do not put them inside mail boxes, some places you can't even put them taped on the mail boxes or folded under the flag check with your post office. Look at how the others do it. Talk to your competition & see if they can send you some work if they are to busy. There is a lot of landscaping companies that don't do lawn maintenance talk to them. Be able to let them see some of your work so they can feel confident that they are giving these people good referrals. Watch the smaller guys mainly 1 man shows, lot of them can't handle more work. If need be offer them a fee & to be on the safe side tell them you will give them a small fee or percentage after 4 or more cuts. Always listen first you might not need to offer anything more than a good job & a good business relationship. More to come!